Leading Businesses And Professionals To Be Featured In New Amazon Book Titled Remarkable Business Benefiting Charity

Mark Imperial, Founder of Remarkable Radio and Press, confirmed he has officially started Nationwide interviews to feature just 10 Business Owners in the new book titled, “Remarkable Business: Spotlights On Noteworthy Businesses And Professionals”, benefiting charity.

Imperial states, “The charity will benefit from being featured in the book for direct donations; the publicity and media coverage that results; along with a pledge of 100% of the retail royalties.”

“Amazon, for instance, has such strong influence on Google,” Imperial continued, “that the Business Owners and Professionals benefit from being seen as Published Authors when their referrals or prospects do their due diligence. Their book often ranks higher than their own website, which is a huge reason to be published.”

The reason this book is important, Imperial explained, “Businesses and Professionals have been impacted terribly in this Pandemic and I want them to have a platform to share their story; to demonstrate their expertise; and to separate themselves from their competition, which having this published book on Amazon and Kindle will provide.”

Explaining the search process, Imperial said, “First, I interview many Business Owners and Professionals on my program. Then, my team suggests only 7 to 10 of those guests for me to invite to participate in the book. These are the folks who show us that they are true advocates for the success of their clients, ”

Business Owners and Professionals who are interested in participating in this no-fee project can learn more and apply at:

Imperial said, “For the Business Owners and Professionals chosen to be interviewed for the book, there is no fee. We simply ask them to help spread the word with a nominal book promotion package including a few books, which they’ll want for their prospects and clients regardless.”

Imperial went on to explain, “We are a specialized book publisher that helps Business Owners and Professionals publish their own books to grow their businesses and leave a legacy. These charity books are how we help causes and these Entrepreneurs at the same time, as a way of introduction to our services. In helping them with this small, no-fee project, we hope to earn their future business, although there is no-obligation.”

“Remarkable Business: Spotlights On Noteworthy Businesses And Professionals”” is scheduled for release in 90 days, .

Imperial went on to describe the benefits of participating in this book by saying “From the publicity we receive from our books, we anticipate a lot of exposure around this project, for both the charity and the professionals we select to feature. Our readers get great information, our charity gets much-needed exposure, and our Business Owners and Professionals get published in print, appear on our radio program, and get great exposure for their businesses in the news. Having published over 140 folks in our books to date, It is always a winner for everyone involved.”

Business Owners and Professionals interested in participating in this no-fee project can learn more and apply at:



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