Announcing the Release of Fidel Beauhill’s Vital New Book, Divorce: A Modern Man’s Guide

The effects of divorce on both physical and mental health are proven to be worse for men than they are for women – and that’s just a fact. But when you go looking for books, workshops and support groups for those going through divorce, you can almost guarantee they will be aimed specifically at women. Fidel Beauhill is better known to his clients as The Modern Man Coach, and his new book,
Divorce: A Modern Man’s Guide, wants to change this.
There is a common misconception that men are not in touch with their emotions, and so do not need support. However, the issue is not that men do not have complicated emotions, but rather that they are not given a space in which to explore them. Fidel knows from personal experience how damaging this can be.
Five years ago, when he was the owner of a will writing company, significant financial issues started to weigh heavy on him and his business. But, feeling as though he could not open up about his immense stress, he buried it, and this eventually led to a panic attack so awful that he was rushed to hospital in the belief he was going to die.
This marked a turning point in Fidel’s life, setting him off on a path that has got him to where he is today: a highly successful Life and Relationship Coach, who offers men who are struggling a safe and constructive space in which to deal with difficult times in their lives – particularly divorce. As a divorcee himself, he knows just how devastating the process can be. It does, after all, entail the loss of a partner and family life as it was once known. Particularly for a man, who bears the heavy burden of responsibility for protecting his family, that loss can cause him to feel totally out of control and lost at sea.
Divorce: A Modern Man’s Guide is all about dealing with that loss of control in a way that is healthy and positive. Offering practical advice and useful insights, Fidel’s book will help the ordinary man cope with any personal feelings of sadness or shame, while also helping them to guide their family through the turbulence of a divorce. Himself a doting father to three daughters and amicably divorced from their mother, he knows just how important it is to navigate such a period together, in order to prevent the breakdown of relationships and shield the children from trauma.
Fidel says “My book, Divorce: A Modern Man’s guide is all about stepping into your masculine energy in order to guide yourself and your family through divorce, for the good of everyone involved. Happy, confident men makes for happy, confident women, and men being able to deal with the emotionally challenging times in their lives is key to that.”

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